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WebMatrix: Enter the Matrix Event

Microsoft is holding the inaugural launch for a new product, Microsoft WebMatrix at the CodeMash event in Sandusky, Ohio on January 13, 2011. CodeMash is a community organized event that draws a wide array of web development community members across the ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby, Python and Java communities.


WebMatrix is a free offering that provides everything you need to build Web sites using Windows.  It streamlines Web site development and makes it easy to start Web sites from popular ASP.NET and PHP open-source apps.  It includes IIS Express (a development Web server), ASP.NET Web Pages (a scripting friendly Web framework), and SQL Server Compact (an embedded database).  WebMatrix will be localized in 9 languages that will all be available simultaneously on January 13th.

We are going to be live streaming a keynote at the CodeMash Conference this week as the WebMatrix Launch Event.

Download a reminder to your calendar for the WebMatrix Launch live broadcast.

Bill Zack