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MVPs @ Microsoft Azure Conference 2015


At the Microsoft Azure Conference which was organized on March 18th and 19th, 2015, the stage was all set to enable businesses to be able to solve their problems via cloud by giving them deep insights of some of the best possible cloud solutions available till date, to throttle their move towards the cloud and other latest technologies.

Azure conference 2015 was certainly an amazing learning experience for many. The event witnessed few power pack speeches from the top leadership of Microsoft.


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imageIndia MVP community positively made a mark with 8 MVPs recognized as “Microsoft Azure Heroes” and got themselves on driver seat for Microsoft Azure in communities in front of 1500 participants and millions of people via social outreach.

Microsoft Azure conference was marked as a one of the biggest engagement event of the year with MVPs involved as session and HOL proctors and some very helpful executive meet ups with Mark Hill (Vice President, Microsoft Openness Strategy) and Balaji Kesavaraj (Director of Microsoft Openness Strategy ) in a roundtable meet-up over Microsoft Openness initiative and empowering MVP community to drive movement across India, followed by and amazing dinner exclusive for MVP community.


MVPs also had the opportunity to interact with few of the Senior Program Managers from the Azure Product Group as well as Senior Architects during the focus group discussions. We thank them for sharing fruitful and amazing insights about Cloud technologies and show tremendous support and emphasis over technical communities. A great zest for MVPs to push their community effort to next level altogether.

Our MVPs were truly thrilled from the experience. Here are some of the comments from our MVPs who participated in all these engagements at the Microsoft Azure Conference 2015:

~MVP Prabhjot Bakshi: Post event, I started experiencing " AZURE for Sure in my every day life". I learnt from both the Key note sessions that an IDEA is nothing but Idea, Design, Execution and AZURE. As a proud member of MVP Program, full marks to the Azure Team and MVP Program Managers for taking care and keeping us engaged all through out. I felt on top of the World, as an Azure Hero.

~MVP Vikram Pendse: I am glad to be part of this event in Pune. The best part of event is to see huge number of participants working on variety of Open Source technologies who were keen to know openness Microsoft brought in Microsoft Azure. All sessions were deep dive and informative. I am sure such event will definitely help community to grow and build quality Cloud First Mobile First Apps which is now vision of Microsoft.

~MVP Lohith GN: Microsoft Azure Conference 2015 was an exciting one because we got to hear Indian companies adoption of Azure. It was interesting to see the kind of products being built with Azure at the center. Also a great networking chance for myself personally and I caught with all the azure heroes in this conference. Would love to be part of the conference again next year.

~MVP Suprotim Agarwal: The Microsoft Azure conference for me was an immersive two days experience that showcased how products, people and disparate platforms could unify to drive technology innovation using the cloud. Not to mention that the venue, and even the food were an experience in themselves!

Thanks to everyone who made this event successful. This was certainly an amazing platform giving motivational boost to Microsoft MVPs and Technical Communities.