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Ishai's WebLog

Update on Virtual PC and profiling

Last year, Richard explained why sampling does not work on Virtual PC. Since the sampling failure is...

Date: 01/14/2005

Bugs that hide from debuggers

Sometimes running a program under a debugger makes it work. Running the same program without a...

Date: 10/25/2004

x64 calling convention and the disappearing process syndrome

Raymond Chen describes the parameter passing aspect of the x64 calling convetions. But there is more...

Date: 08/24/2004

Why doesn’t sampling show the actual time spent in each function?

Some people have asked for a “wall clock time” column in the sampling profiler report....

Date: 08/11/2004

There are no Safe Functions – only Safe Programming

The Platform SDK includes a set of string manipulation functions defined in strsafe.h. These...

Date: 07/20/2004

ISA Server 2004

ISA Server 2004 is now available. Lots of new and improved features.

Date: 07/14/2004

Why does the compiler generate a MOV EDI, EDI instruction at the beginning of functions?

Why does the compiler generate a MOV EDI, EDI instruction at the beginning of functions? I’ve...

Date: 06/24/2004

Battered fries are considered “fresh vegetables”!?

Well, probably not by nutritionists, but the USDA, backed by a court decision says they are. (Above...

Date: 06/16/2004

Developing firewall and NAT friendly network applications

Developing firewall and NAT friendly network applications When I worked on ISA Server I've seen...

Date: 06/08/2004

It is not always the CPU

Before you start to actually profile your application, you do not know what the bottleneck is. It is...

Date: 06/01/2004