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24 Hours in a Private Cloud

Måste tipsa om ett event som vi kör online den 10:e maj tillsammans med IEEE och Dell och som går i det privata molnets tecken.

Vi kallar det för...*dramatisk trumvirvel*...24 HOURS IN A PRIVATE CLOUD!

Eventet kommer förstås att fokusera på System Center men vi kommer också att prata en del om t.ex. våra nya molncertifieringar. Dell kommer att visa upp hårdvara och IEEE kommer att ge en keynote om vad molnet innebär för din som IT-tekniker.

Såhär lyder den officiella beskrivningen:

Attendees will hear from top industry and technical professionals from around the world to help them better understand the private cloud technology solutions that are available today.

They will engage with industry organizations to understand their view of the public cloud and how the role of the IT Professional will evolve as more and more organizations begin a private cloud transformation. Attendees will have access to a number of technical professionals who will be on hand talking about the required components to simplify private cloud creation and management.

As a part of this event, they can expand the dialog with their peers on numerous topics focused on operational efficiencies that come from deploying a private cloud.

Du registrerar dig till 24 Hours in a Private Cloud här!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed