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You asked for it (AddIn pipeline generator)

After all, our job is to make your life easier.  I have received a *lot* of requests for a tool that can generate the Add-In pipeline segments.  Ever since we mistakenly left comments in our MSDN articles code about the pipeline source being machine generated, some of you noticed that we may have been working on a tool.  Soooooo, as a continuation of Microsoft's open and transparent developer experience (see this link for .Net framework source code, and this link to view/file bugs, receive early drops, etc..) we just released our pipeline generation tool source code to the community!!! 

The tool generates source code as opposed to a binary (like tlbimp) so that you may alter the generated code.  You may have specific naming conventions, or you would like to contribute to the tools functionality, so you can now do so via Codeplex.  Here is a link to our Managed Extensibility and Add-In Framework source.  We are also adding our sample code from our Add-in team Blog so that we a consolidated source (pun intended).

You can't say I didn't get you anything for Christmas.  Have a great new year!  JackG
