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Windows Phone 7 performance white paper is now online.. got questions?

Shane Guillet has been working on Silverlight performance since way back when it was called WPF/E...  Shane wasprobably 14 years old then :)

Recently, he wrote this great white paper on how to monitor and optimize performance on Windows Phone 7 apps.  
Even if you are a performance expert, this is a great read, because Shane gets into the optimizations we have made on the platform, and how you can take advantage of these (e.g. with caching or simple animations on render thread) and he also gets into the hardware limitations (after all, it is a phone, not a PC).

I actually was scheduled to interview Shane yesterday on Channel 9 to go over his demos and tips, but we had camera issues so we post-poned to monday..  If you have questions after readign the paper, send them my way and I can ask him...   Regardless check back in a week for the video, if the camera gods are friendly to us, we will have that here soon..

Happy Windows Phone coding..
