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Preview the Model Documentation feature of the next version of the Data Mining Client for Excel

The attached document has a preview of the output of a new "Model Documentation" feature for our next version of the data mining addins.  You just click on a button, select a model and recieve a report containing (hopefully) interesting and pertinent information about the mining model.

What do you think?  Does the feature provide model documentation useful to you?  What would you add?  What would you remove?  Let me know in the comments!



  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2007
    This is awesome!  Rather than returning the algorithm parmeter values in the order of the interface, you may want to alphabetize them. It's a nice touch to include links to the MSDN data mining documentation of each algorithm as well.

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2007
    SoCalDevGirl - just want to let you know that we implemented your suggestion - thanks!  It's definately better this way!  Tatyana appreciated that you liked the links she implemented into the feature as well.