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Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V + TFS Build

My colleague, Ian Ceicys ( just pointed me to a great book on Windows Server Hyper-V.  I’ve been a been late ramping up on this server role so I’m excited to get caught up.  I’m reading this now Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V: Insiders Guide to Microsoft's Hypervisor: John Kelbley, Mike Sterling, Allen Stewart: Books.

My first thought is how useful Hyper-V running on a build machine could be to enable isolated testing on the build machine.  I’ve always been bothered by how little utilization most build machines have.  With Hyper-V running on a build machine it would be interesting to spin up virtual machines to test the product of the build.  On a test failure we could save off the VM for debugging later.  All this without tainting the build machine.

Something to think about.  I’ll be installing Windows Server Hyper-V in the next few weeks to explore this more.
