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My 15 minutes of Fame

btn_vteWell back from Orlando Florida after having a brilliant and technically challenging time. I was manning the Technical Learning Center on the Server Core Stand, and met loads of great colleagues and other professionals. I also was working alongside Ben Pearce and Justin Zarb, and Wayne Richards.I also  caught up with Eileen who was delivering the Women In Technology Keynote Speech.This was a really great opportunity to learn loads and I certainly took full advantage of it. Whilst I was out there I was interviewed for Virtual Teched by Kevin Remde, who I know of from his Blog  full of I.T. He was a really nice guy and put me at my ease immediately. Therefore if you are intrigued as to what I do as a day job and have a spare 10 minutes click here !.Funnies from the week was Justin complaining about the weak American version of English tea. He wished he packed a box of Tetley in his suitcase. I pointed out that he would probably be arrested for trying to import illegal food substances !. Another funny\weird request was an American Guy came up to me on the stand and asked me to provide the quote "A Women's English Accent" for his voicemail........I smiled sweetly and in my reserved British way.....declined.:)


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Well the day went really well! Virtual Server and Beyond was the platforms first great operations day,