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New Planning for Active Directory Forest Recovery Guide for Active Directory 2008 Now available for Download !

Hi Everyone,

Hot of the press is the new Active Directory Disaster Recovery Guide which has been updated to reflect new features and functionality you can leverage with 2008.

Download it from Here 

In particular it talks about;

1. Read Only Domain Controllers considerations for rebuild and recovery

2. Using Wbadmin

3.  Global Catalog recovery considerations

4. Excellent Reference and  FAQ section

This is a very welcome addition to our portfolio of white papers and technical documents in this arena. If you are in the U.K. you can hear a more detailed discussion around this topic area by Richard Diver who is presenting with myself at the next ADUG user group on June 15th.

Have a super Weekend, and if you are in the U.K. enjoy the Bank Holiday and lets hope it does not rain too much :).
