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Well I am getting Excited - Teched Florida 4th - 8th of June


Well as the time draws nearer I am getting more and more excited. I am going out to Florida this Sunday with some colleagues two of them who you may know from their blogs, Justin Zarb and Ben Pearce to represent Microsoft Premier Field Engineering from the U.K. and to work on the Longhorn Demo Stands @ Teched 2007. It is going to be a fantastic experience and I am hoping to meet alot of great new colleagues and customers.

I am also very excited (do you notice a common theme here) about attending the Women In Technology event that is happening on the Wednesday 6th of June @ Orlando. As you are probably aware this is a real passion of mine. I think it is really important to establish and reinforce these links among professional women in an Industry that in my opinion benefits from facilitating a mix of both male and female technical professionals. This was borne out recently at the Microsoft sponsored Women In Technology event that I recently attended @ the Great Eastern Hotel in London. The keynote Speakers from Microsoft were three really inspirational people.

Paul Norris -  my Boss who is the Emea Director of Premier Field Engineering.

Eileen Brown  - Technical Pro Evangelist Manager for the U.K. who I count as a good friend and Colleague.

Katie Isler  - Online services chief of staff.

It was really great to meet up with so many different Ladies not only from Microsoft but also form Many other parts of our Industry. Many of us share the same challenges and pressures.

There was a really great mix of Ladies attending the event who asked some great and challenging questions to the presenters, but also who demonstrated such drive and determination to succeed. Finally on my last "I am excited" note. We are hosting a DIgigirlz day @ Microsoft. This is where we are hosting and event that throws Microsoft's Doors open to Girls aged between 11 - 18 to show them that Computing is cool and fun to be part of. It is going to be a busy packed day, with Women Employees of Microsoft leading the different challenges and activities being undertaken. So this is going to be a great....if not Loud day !.
