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Refactoring the C# Express Starter Kit

Yesterday I decided to take a look at the code we shipping in the Beta 1 C# Express SKU for a screen saver. I was pretty disappointed in the quality of the code, so I decided to refactor.

I’ve talked about some ideas about coding styles here on this blog, and I wanted to explore some of those ideas in this real context.

Most of my attention has been focused on the class “RssView”. 174 lines of text, 20 private fields, 13 trivial get/set properties, and only 7 methods.

Choosing a Rectangle

Let’s pick something to attack. This pair of fields are a little smelly:

        // Where to draw

        private Point location;

        private Size size;

This notion seems familiar to me. Hmm, I think I would call it a Rectangle. So, replace it:

        Rectangle location;

And start fixing up references. When I came across this reference, I had to hold my nose:

        private void DrawBackground(Graphics g)


            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(BackColor), new Rectangle(Location.X + 4, Location.Y + 4, Size.Width - 8, Size.Height - 8));

            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(BorderColor, 4), new Rectangle(Location, Size));


What is this about? It’s trying to draw a filled, bordered rectangle. The border is 4 pixels wide. Why does it hard code the values of ‘4’ and ‘8’? Let’s make a note of this method & refactor it later.


Now it’s later.

I see that Rectangle has an ‘Inflate’ method. Pushes out all 4 sides of a rectangle in exactly the way you see here. So switch to something like:

        Rectangle fillRectangle = location;

        fillRectangle.Inflate (-4, -4);

        g.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush(BackColor), fillRectange);

The fact that we switched from Point/Size to Rectangle is what made Inflate available to us. Depending on your point of view, either:

  • This is proof that Rectangle really is the right way to go, and that getting the types right in your system will always make your code clearer, cleaner, and simpler.

  • We just got lucky, finding exactly the method we needed.

Maybe it’s the second one, but I sure seem to get lucky a lot!


I pondered this method more, and decided that the notion of a rectangle with a border, which could draw itself, was a basic notion that I’d like to see as its own class. So I wrote one.

    class BorderedRectangle


        public class Colors


            public readonly Color Fill;

            public readonly Color Border;

            public Colors(Color fill, Color border)


                this.Fill = fill;

                this.Border = border;



        readonly int _fillBorderThickness;

        readonly Rectangle _location;

        readonly Colors _colors;

        public BorderedRectangle(Rectangle location, Colors colors, int fillBorderThickness)


            this._location = location;

            this._colors = colors;

            this._fillBorderThickness = fillBorderThickness;


        public void Draw(Graphics g)






        void DrawBorder(Graphics g)


            Pen pen = new Pen(this._colors.Border, this._fillBorderThickness);

            g.DrawRectangle(pen, this._location);


        void DrawInnerFill(Graphics g)


            Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this._colors.Fill);

            Rectangle innerRectangle = this._location;

            innerRectangle.Inflate(-this._fillBorderThickness, -this._fillBorderThickness);

            g.FillRectangle(brush, innerRectangle);



There’s now a lot more lines of text to represent this simple notion. However, each line is much simpler; most of them are trivial. If there are bugs in this code, they should be easy to work out.

My first implementation had a “Color fillColor” and “Color borderColor”. I decided that these are related, so I grouped them into a new type. I think that nested types are critical to this kind of Refactoring. First, I avoid cluttering the namespace with a bunch of new tiny classes. Second, it’s clear what the relationship is between BorderedRectangle and BorderedRectangle.Classes. Finally, I can give simple names to my simple classes.

There’s a pattern here that I find myself writing a lot. A class with a series of ‘readonly’ fields, and a single public constructor that takes a parameter for each & assigns it to the field. BorderedRectangle.Colors is an example of this pattern. For lack of a better name, I’ll call it an “Entity Class”. I write it so much that I wish for a feature in the editor to help me do it. I suspect it’s a code smell, but I don’t yet see a Refactoring. Let’s keep it in mind.

I think I’m done for now, but I notice have 2 private methods, which is apparently a code smell. How would I refactor that? I think I would create a class called “Border” and a class called “Fill” and give them “Draw” methods. Maybe I’ll do that next time.

There’s still a lot of code smells in the start kit. Hopefully the pace will pick up soon.

Also, I’m working without a pair & without unit tests. I’m a little worried about that. This code wasn’t built TDD, so retrofitting tests is hard. Maybe I’ll be OK, because just running the app lets you verify it quickly. Let’s see if I get in to trouble later.


  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2004
    I think adding an inner class called Colors is overengineered. It adds complexity and bloat. It is confusing because there is already a class called Color. In fact I think adding the BorderedRectangle class was overkill. If you are only going to use it in one place, there is no reason for it.
  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2004
    ..and please tell me you are not going to create a Border and a Fill class! That is insane.
  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2004
    A valiant undertaking.
    In my experience with MS products, most of the sample code I have seen has had a funny smell.
  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2004
    I like the refactoring.

    I do smell GDI leaking though. Shouldn't the Pen and Brush be wrapped in using()?

    I like the refactoring articles because they describe what's going through your mind; I can relate and learn from that.

    Thanks and keep 'em coming!
  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2004
    Big Dawg: Heck yeah, I'm gonna make those classes! If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, I don't think that would come as a surprise.

    What kind of bloat exactly did you have in mind? Do you think my application will run slowly because I create small, immutable types?

    Others: I'm glad you find this valuable. I'm going to try to keep this going for a while. I hope to get the result into Beta 2.
  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2004
    The beta 1 kit would have been more interesting to try to work on if it had not rendered the HTML tags in some blogs in the already small space when pointed to for example.

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2004
    Morton: I haven't seen that yet, but I'm hoping we find it easy to fix when the code is well factored. Let's see.
  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2004
    Instead of calling the refactored rectangle a 'location' I would stick to the framework's convention 'Bounds'.

    Sounds like a more appropriate name to me.
  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2004
    Leonardo: seems reasonable; I've made the change in my current sources.