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VSTS Web Test Step-by-Step Primer: 7-Minute Video by Microsoft A.C.E. Performance Engineer Chris Lundquist (with Copious Notes and Screen Shots from Your Humble Correspondent)

My decision to focus on the SQL Server vertical has paid off for me—metaphorically & literally.

Now it's time to spread my wings a bit & learn about Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) web testing.

Spread Your Wings!

My colleague & A.C.E. performance engineer Chris Lundquist has compiled a 6:58 wmv featuring his unscripted yet eloquent dialog walking us step-by-step through a VSTS web test:

  1. Starting VSTS
  2. Adding a new C#/Web Test project
  3. Adding comments
  4. Running the test, exploring the Web Browser, Request, Response, Context, & Details tabs
  5. Modifying test parameters & re-running

Chris included a happenin' sound track.  He even nailed the timing.

Noteworthy advice:  "Don't be shy, you won't break anything."

I dutifully took copious notes along with screen shots.  Chris's video, my notes, screen shots—it's all here for you:¡w00t!

This is the best introduction to this technology you may ever see.

Download Chris's VSTS web test step-by-step primer, and see & hear for yourself what a great job he's done.  Refer your friends & colleagues, especially those who are starting out on VSTS web testing.  Doing so will provide an elegant, entertaining introduction to this fundamental yet vital technology.


Jimmy May , MCDBA, MCSE, MCITP: DBA + DB Dev
Senior Performance Consultant: SQL Server
A.C.E.: Assessment, Consulting, & Engineering Services
Performance is paramount: Asking users to wait is like asking them to leave.

This post was written with the plugin for Windows Live Writer


  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2009
    My colleague & A.C.E. performance engineer Chris Lundquist has compiled a 6:58 wmv featuring his