The Naked Party... Pictures Abound
A-list bloggers are fast. On Saturday I attended Robert Scoble's "Naked Conversations" book launch party. I knew it would be a great crowd and it was. I also got my own copy of the book with author signatures. But the impressive part was that by Sunday morning there had already been a whole host of blog entries complete with Flickr sets of the affair. Here's one of me with Anita while my book is being signed by Shel. :-)
One of the best parts, however, that the pictures don't capture was the location. I wish it had been held during the day so we could have gotten a better look at the grounds. Check out this profile on the house...
... I can't wait to see a refferals list for this entry.
- Anonymous
January 25, 2006
Hey! You can see my arm in that picture, too. :)