Xbox 360 Gamercard Integration is Cool
Sure, I'm biased, but Microsoft did a LOT of things right with the 360. It was super easy to post my gamercard on the side of the blog. Here's how to set your up today.
I'm amazed with the richness and integration of data they managed to squeeze into this space that. I changed my avatar online by purchasing a Penny-Arcade pack and it changed in my online gamertag and the Xbox forums as well. I play a game and it shows up in the card. I earn an acheivement... and its in my online profile. Of my non-xbox-dev Friends I have the highest score in Geometry wars... and they see it when they are online and in the game itself. :-)
I know this stuff isn't rocket science, but I continue to be impressed with the "little things" and details that were paid attention to for the Xbox 360.
- Anonymous
January 17, 2006
You made a good choice of games, I have most of the same. You will enjoy them all.
I agree that the little things like web integration make a great console that much better. There are a number of places around the web that I can place my gamercard into (mostly forums so far) so that the people I meet there can find me much more easily on Live. Its a simple, but powerful idea.
Have fun! If you want to compare acheivements, My Tag is: HackUberGeek - Anonymous
January 18, 2006
I'll have to look you up. - Anonymous
May 01, 2006
Its Auwsome!