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Time is The Great Equalizer

Time really is the great equalizer.

I was reading an article by Dr. Donald E. Wemore, a time management specialist, and here’s what he had to say:

"Time is the great equalizer for all of us. We all have 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, yielding 168 hours per week. Take out 56 hours for sleep (we do spend about a third of our week dead) and we are down to 112 hours to achieve all the results we desire. We cannot save time (ever have any time left over on a Sunday night that you could lop over to the next week?); it can only be spent. And there are only two ways to spend our time: we can spend it wisely, or, not so wisely."

Well put.

And what’s his recommendation to manage time better?

Work smarter, not harder.

In my experience, that’s the only approach that works.

If you find yourself struggling too much, there’s a good chance your time management strategies are off.

Don’t keep throwing time and energy at things if it’s not working.

Change your approach.

The fastest thing you can change in any situation is you.

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