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4 New MSDN "How Do I" Video Series on Windows Azure and Live Services


4 new “How Do I” (HDI) videos are available for your online viewing.  These short 10- to 15-minute videos are designed to get you up to speed quickly by focusing on a specific task, topic or product.  If you are new to the “How Do I” series and wish to stay informed of new content visit the Azure HDI landing page and subscribe to the RSS feed.

Solution Topic: How Do I… Description
WindowsAzure Logo Leverage Concurrency in Windows Azure Table Storage? Windows Azure table storage is designed to support many users at the same time. In this session, you’ll learn how Windows Azure table storage supports concurrency, and you’ll learn a few strategies to help you deal with any concurrency violations.
  Use Paging in Windows Azure Tables? To improve application usability, many applications need to support viewing data page-by-page. In this screencast, you'll learn how Windows Azure table storage provides a built-in mechanism that allows you to efficiently page through query results.
LiveServicesLogo Sync Between Devices and the Cloud with FeedSync? Syncing the cloud and a growing world of devices is a fundamental need in today’s world. In this video, you will learn how to use FeedSync feeds to synchronize Live Framework data between a device and the cloud.
  Get Started with the Messenger Web Toolkit? Making your application sociable is easy. In this screencast, Chris Parker uses simple code to add instant messaging to his Web site. In minutes he connects his Web site to 320 million Instant Messenger (IM) users on PCs, Macs, mobile devices and Xbox 360. These efforts can help bring new users to his application and retain them for a longer period of time through the use of cool features like chat, presence, contacts and profile information.

Looking for more on Azure?  Consider the following:

· Webcasts – 

· Training kit –

· Azure SDK -

· Sample projects to review –, search “azure”

· Azure user groups –

Technorati Tags: Azure,Windows Azure,Live,Live Services,Cloud,Azure Tables,Sycn,FeedSync