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Techdays Radio

Local post about Techdays a first time event located in Västerås (Sweden)

Myself being interviewed for podradio by Dag Köning We talked about CRM, Sharepoint and Performancepoint (Swedish). Later during the day I was presention a field experince session about "Making CRM and Performancepoint work for management"

Dynamics Crm 4.0, MOSS och Performance Point för dashboard reporting
{ Jonas Deibe } Service Line Architect, Microsoft Services

This session show how to build great management reporting solutions when combining the use of PerformancePoint Server 2007, MOSS, custom code and CRM 4.0. The session includes real customer presentations from different CRM implementations and shows the potential for creating reporting solutions with KPI's not yet seen by the solutions on their own. This is what Microsoft is all about! Språk: svenskaProdukt/lösning: CRMNivå 300

The slidedeck + code samples will be uploaded and attached to this post as sone I have cleared it with techdays administration
