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Do you have a suggestion? Check the User Voice sites for several Microsoft products and services

Several teams at Microsoft are now using a User Voice site as your place to suggest ideas on how to improve specific products and services. These sites make it easier for the teams to receive your suggestions and listen to what you say. Here are the User Voice sites that I could find:

Before you post, be sure to check out the ideas others have suggested and vote on your favorites. If you have a suggestion that’s not listed yet, you can submit your own. But keep suggestions focused on a single topic so the team can track and respond accordingly.

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Please note that these suggestion boxes are moderated and they are voluntary participation-based projects. If your submission is not a product feature suggestion, it may be removed. Please do not send any novel or patentable ideas, copyrighted materials, samples or demos which you do not want to grant a license to Microsoft. Your submission is subject to licensing terms like the Microsoft Windows License Terms.