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Installing FIM SSPR Portals & Error: "Unable to connect to the Internet Information Server (Error: -2147221164)"

This evening, I was installing the FIM 2010 R2 Self-Server Password Register and Reset portals on a server when I received the following error (sorry I didn't take a screen-shot):

"Unable to connect to the Internet Information Server (Error: -2147221164)"

A quick Bing search of the error code resulted in nothing -- I didn't bother with Google -- and being that the error description is not bad but not too helpful either, I thought I'd whip together a quick blog entry on what the issue was in case I (or whomever reading this) run into it again. Turns out, the guys who built the server deployed the wrong IIS server role services. If you receive this error, enumerate the following IIS 7.5 web server and management tool role services to make sure they are deployed: 


Required IIS 7.5 Web Server Role Services

Role service Required features

Common HTTP Features

  • Static Content
  • Default Document
  • Directory Browsing
  • HTTP Errors
  • HTTP Redirection

Application Development

  • ASP .NET
  • .NET Extensibility
  • ISAPI Extensions
  • ISAPI Filters

Health and Diagnostics

  • HTTP Logging
  • Request Monitor


  • Basic Authentication
  • Windows Authentication
  • Request Filtering


  • Static Content Compression
  • Dynamic Content Compression

Required IIS 7.5 Management Tools Role Services

Role service Required features

IIS Management Console

IIS 6 Management Compatibility

  • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
  • IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
  • IIS 6 Scripting Tools
  • IIS 6 Management Console


  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2012
    I had encountered the same problem.  Your suggestion worked.  Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2014
    Great add, these are not required for the Portal so I did not catch them.