FAQ: How do I get a simple list of specific computers based on simple criteria?
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- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
@Floyd - see http://blogs.technet.com/b/kevinholman/archive/2014/10/16/faq-how-can-i-tell-which-servers-are-physical-or-virtual-in-scom.aspx - Anonymous
January 01, 2003
@John -
You can query the SCOM data, in the BaseManagedentity table - this will show the time/date an object is created:
select * from BaseManagedEntity
where FullName like 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService:%'
order by TimeAdded
You can also personalize the Agent managed view - and add the "Installed" column, but this is the last time an agent was installed/reinstalled, not necessarily the same date. - Anonymous
October 09, 2014
Thx Kevin! Always helpful information here.
BTW, will you be blogging about Reporting and some of the best and most useful reports you have been asked for/seen?
JB - Anonymous
October 15, 2014
Try copy past if you have let's say 1000 objects... You will be surprised :) if not objects are loaded in the view you will get blank spaces. In general only the first 100 rows are laoded initialy. - Anonymous
October 16, 2014
Hey Kevin, Quick question how can I create a report or some query to identify physical vs virtual servers in SCOM ? - Anonymous
October 20, 2014
Dirty PowerShell? LOL!! - Anonymous
October 20, 2014
Thanks Kevin. - Anonymous
October 22, 2014
Now only the Windows 2008 servers without the R2 version. Ok, trick question but thanks to another post of you solved:http://jama00.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/microsoft-exchange-server-2013-discovery/ - Anonymous
February 01, 2015
Hi Kevin,
Is there a way in SCOM 2012 R2 to find out exact date/time for Windows Servers when they were added to SCOM monitoring? - Anonymous
November 25, 2015
Hi Kevin,
This is a great blog and invaluable help.
I have been given a task to create SQL Server Production inventory for reporting to Microsoft. Although I was able to do it manually I would like to have it done through the command prompt and I'm new to SCOM and poweshell. I have tried exhaustively since last 2 days to come up with a query but only half of it is working.
Here's my powershell query
Get-SCOMClass –Name Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Get-SCOMClassInstance | Select @{Label="Computer";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.Windows.Computer].NetbiosComputerName'}},
@{Label="Instance";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine].InstanceName'}}, @{Label="ConnectionString";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine].ConnectionString'}}, @{Label="Version";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine].Version'}}, @{Label="Edition";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine].Edition'}}, @{Label="DomainName";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.Windows.Computer].NetbiosDomainName'}}, @{Label="VirtualMachine?";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.Windows.Computer].IsVirtualMachine'}}, @{Label="AD Site";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.Windows.Computer].ActiveDirectorySite'}},@{Label="LogicalProcessors";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.Windows.Computer].LogicalProcessors'}}, @{Label="PhysicalProcessor";Expression= {$.'[Microsoft.Windows.Computer].PhysicalProcessors'}} | export-csv D:tempSqlInventroy.csv
The result is not returning or returning empty for columns: Instance, ConnectionString, Version and Edition.
Computer Instance ConnectionString Version Edition DomainName VirtualMachine ADSite LogicalProcessors PhysicalProcessors
If you can tell me where I'm wrong so will be appreciated.