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BAMTools Configuration error: Login failed for user ''.

If you have this error message during BAM Tools configuration:

Microsoft (R) Business Activity Monitoring Utility Version 3.5.1409.0

Copyright (C) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

ERROR: Failed to set up BAM database(s).

The database cannot be found.

Cannot open database requested in login 'BAMPrimaryImport'. Login fails.

Login failed for user '<domain\user>'.

Trace Young provided the solution for this error:

Possibly because of the following (from a 2004 KB)?

This behavior occurs if an .mdf file or an .ldf file already exists in the \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data folder of your SQL Server that has the same name as the .mdf file or the .ldf file that the BizTalk Server 2004 Configuration Wizard is trying to create. The names of the .mdf file and the .ldf file that are created for the databases are derived from the name of the database that is specified in the BizTalk Server 2004 Configuration Wizard with an .mdf and an .ldf extension appended.
