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Sample code to either Calculate size of all files or Export Files from a web

I wrote the following code awhile back to export files from a corrupt site.

I also found it handy to calculate the size of a web (And see where the biggest web is in a site collection) to get around the following : (Error Messages When You Delete or Rename a Folder or Site in Windows SharePoint Services;en-us;827930 )

Hope this helps you, and you can use it for other apps as well!



// BEGIN Sample.cs












   class AppClass


      static string m_strExportDir = null;

      static bool m_RecurseWebs = false;

      static bool m_RecurseFolders = false;


      static void Main(string[] args)


         // Assume that the first argument is a valid URL

SPSite siteColl =

new SPSite(args[0]);

         // For sample purposes, let's recurse everything

         // You could make this an arg

m_RecurseWebs =


         // recurse ALL folders found on the web.

         // You could make this an arg

m_RecurseFolders =


         // Get the path to dump the files to if we want to export the files, otherwise

         // this is a good code template to start from to file level analysis on your webs

         if(args.Length > 1 && (args[1].ToLower().CompareTo("-export")) == 0)

m_strExportDir = args[2].ToString();

         // You could use this code to run through all the files in every folder

         // on the web, to calculate the total size of the files in the web.

         // something like the following:

         long lTotalSize = 0;

         // Kick it off

lTotalSize = GetWebDetails(siteColl.RootWeb);


Console.WriteLine("Total size of all files in all folders is: " + lTotalSize);


      static long GetWebDetails(SPWeb web)


         long lWebTotal = 0;

Console.WriteLine("Analyzing web " + web.Name + " at location " + web.ServerRelativeUrl);

         // enumerate over all the folders on the web

         foreach(SPFolder folder in web.Folders)


lWebTotal += GetFolderDetails(folder);


         // Do the same for all subwebs



            foreach(SPWeb subweb in web.Webs)

lWebTotal += GetWebDetails(subweb);


Console.WriteLine("Total size of all files in all folders for " + web.Name + " is: " + lWebTotal);

         return lWebTotal;


      static long GetFolderDetails(SPFolder folder)


Console.WriteLine("Processing Folder " + folder.ServerRelativeUrl);

         string strPath = null;

         long lFolderSize = 0;

         // If we're exporting the files from the web to the local file system,

         // create the appropriate file system folder

         if(m_strExportDir != null)


strPath = CheckPathAndCreate(folder.ServerRelativeUrl);


         foreach(SPFile file in folder.Files)


            // If we're exporting, stream out the files.

            if(m_strExportDir != null)


               string sFileLoc = m_strExportDir + strPath + "\\" + file.Name;

Console.WriteLine(" Exporting file " + file.Name + " to " + sFileLoc);

               byte[] binFile = file.OpenBinary();

FileStream fs =

new FileStream(sFileLoc,FileMode.OpenOrCreate,FileAccess.Write);




         // You could use this code to run through all the files in every folder

         // on the web, to calculate the total size of the files in the web.

         // something like the following:

lFolderSize += file.Length;




            foreach(SPFolder subfolder in folder.SubFolders)



         return lFolderSize;


      // Break apart the URL and make a File System directory heirarchy from it if needed.

      static string CheckPathAndCreate(string ServerRelativeUrl)


         string strPath;

strPath = ServerRelativeUrl.Replace("/","\\");

         // ServerRelativeUrl will begin with "/" so we'll be cool to just append it onto m_strExportDir

System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(m_strExportDir + strPath);

         return strPath;




// END Sample.cs