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TechEd Europe 2013

I'm currently preparing for my session at TechEd Europe 2013 and I suddenly feel the urge to once again start blogging to my own MSDN Blog. The last years I've been busy updating other blogs, social networks etc. but my own blog has kind of been left to itself. It's time for a change! If you don't find any more interesting blog postings on my blog in a couple of weeks, then please make sure you nag me for it!!!

So I'm speaking at TechEd Europe in Madrid next week. My session "WAD-B338 Build Real-World Modern Apps with Windows Azure Mobile Services on Windows Store, Windows Phone, iOS, or Android" is scheduled on Thursday 27th of June (3rd day of TechEd) in Hall 7.5. Some teaser what I'm planning to talk about:

  • Authentication
  • Complex Scripts
  • Deployment and Versioning
  • Custom APIs and TestingBuild Real-World Modern Apps with Windows Azure Mobile Services on Windows Store, Windows Phone, iOS, or Android

It's going to be a somewhat a different session than my colleague Nick Harris (@cloudnick) did a couple of days ago at TechEd North America since we have already updated Windows Azure Mobile Services with some new features that we want you to know about.Build Real-World Modern Apps with Windows Azure Mobile Services on Windows Store, Windows Phone, iOS, or Android

It feels good to be back on my own blog and expect more to come really soon.