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Seeds of doubt

After leaving Microsoft, like others, I went straight to the ‘dark side’ and got myself an iPhone 3GS, it was refreshing to finally join the crowd. I brought Ilona (my fiancée) along for the ride and over the last three years we got a new device at each of the launch and added an iPad 3, an Apple TV, docks and Airport Express’ to the mix also.
During the latter half of 2012, a few things happened to change this all in the space of a few months.

1) I installed Windows 8 on my home PC and really liked the interface. I know some people don’t like it, that’s their prerogative, but I really liked the fact it showed me stuff at a glance. This started me thinking.
2) iPhone 5 came out and I got one – Overnight my docks, my chargers and my in-car equipment was useless all at once. This started me thinking.
3) I spent the evening at a partner event and watched a Windows Phone demo. I had been away so long I hadn’t realised the progress they had made and how things had moved on. This started me thinking.
4) Microsoft Surface was announced. It felt connected to my Windows 8 desktop visually, connected to Windows phone visually, connected to my Xbox. This started me thinking.
And so the seeds of doubt were sewn.

What happen next even surprised me.