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Current Cumulative Updates for Office - Q1 2017

As I mentioned in the Current Cumulative Updates for Office - Q3 2012 post, each quarter I will post information on the latest updates for the Office for Windows and Office for Macintosh products.

The information below is being provided regarding the most currently available updates available for the supported Windows and Macintosh versions of Office as of January 2, 2017.

Release Schedule for Non-Security Updates

  • For the MSI version of Office, non-security updates are released in Microsoft Update and the Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) on the first Tuesday of the month.  This will include all updates that have the Critical or Definition classification.  Updates with the Security classification will continue to release on the second Tuesday as usual.
  • For the Click-To-Run (C2R) version of Office, all updates will release on the second Tuesday of the month.

As a reminder on why I'm providing this information and how it should be used, please see my Keeping Up with Office Updates post which discusses the cumulative updates for Office (and Outlook in particular) that companies need to be aware of and push out to their users.

Office for Windows

Office 2016

Office 2013

Office 2010

Office 2007

Office 2003

  • Office 2003 reached End-of-Life Support on April 8, 2014

Note: Each of the KB articles includes the list/links for all the Office products (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc).  Most of you focus on Outlook and that’s the only ones required and is also provided separately but I wanted to provide the larger “Office” list in case you want it.

As a reminder, Microsoft Update does *NOT* make the cumulative updates available to users (unlike the Public Updates) for products prior to Office 2013.  These have to be downloaded and either installed independently or deployed using tools such as WSUS, SCCM, etc.

Note: As of January 1, 2015 the Office product group has made a decision to no longer have both what were known as "Public Updates" (those that you could get through Microsoft Update) and "Cumulative Updates" (separate downloads) for the Office 2013 products, which has always been very confusing (and part of why I started posting this information).  Going forward, all updates will be part of the Public Update releases.  However, I will continue to post this bulletin quarterly so that you have this information to properly manage updates for desktops, etc.

Office for Macintosh

Office 2016

Office 2011

  • Current Service Pack Level: Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 SP6 (released Jan 12, 2016)
    • Office for Mac 2011 mainstream support has been extended and will now end on October 10, 2017 instead of January 12, 2016
  • Latest cumulative Update: December 2016 - 14.7.1 (

Office 2008

  • Current Service Pack Level: Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac SP2 (released October 2009)
    • Office 2008 for Mac support ended on April 9, 2013
  • Last cumulative Update: March 2013 - 12.3.6 (

Note: Each of the KB articles includes the link for downloading the package which updates ALL Office Products…there are not separate updates for each of the various components of Office as there is with the Windows releases.