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Staying in shape to work on computers

Earlier today I exchanged some email with a very popular blogger, and he gave me the advice: "A good blog is passionate and authoritative.  Write about what you love (or, love what you write about)."  Seems like excellent advice.

In that spirit, I want to try and step up the quality and passion around my posts, including things going on in my personal life without revealing to much to attract the stalkers.  8)

It is no secret that most computer people could use a little less Mt. Dew and pizza, and a little more exercise.  I started training for the Nike Marathon in San Francisco (October 2005) about a month ago with Team in Training, which is sponsored by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I can now run 6-7 miles a couple times a week (I could hardly run a mile a month ago), and I have had a real break through mentally regarding running.  All of a sudden I have a drive to keep going further and further, but I have to resign myself to limits of the training program or I can hurt myself.  I have found that podcasts and audio books are awesome for running since they take my mind off the run.

Not only is this helping my physically, but I believe I am re-energized at work and am doing a better job for my customers.  My mind is much clearer and I can think faster on my feet.

If you want to find out more about why I am doing this, please visit my son's web site at


  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2005
    I have several fitness BLOG entries that may comfort you in your times of "fitness tribulation." Keep up the effort and you'll realize that doing something for your fitness is better than the alternatives.
