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Stick to computers, the stock market is wacky

I admit it, I think I was playing solitaire on my laptop (resembled a desktop) back in college when we covered the stock market.  It continues to baffle me.

Microsoft announces (record) earnings, above forecasts, and the after hours stock goes down.  In fact, bit Google and Microsoft tanked after hours.  I was just reading about the after hours action on CNBC and although it was more than the street expected, they were disappointed with both Google and Microsoft.  I guess they are looking at the guidance expressed by both companies, which didn't seem too gloomy.  I'll just go back to my small little life, and let those people manage those multi-billion dollar mutual funds.

Confused (again)…


  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2005
    You are not the only techno-nerd that doesn't understand the complexity of the stock market. One of my rants on my blog went into this as well. (

    Anyway, I'm not buying more Microsoft stock, but I'm not getting out of what I have. I worry that in the long term Microsoft is doing the IBM thing and over-growing, over-hiring and not really being the market leader.

    And don't forget, since Microsoft is numero uno, they are target one for the communistic leaders of the world that want to exact a tax for being successful -- hence the many "settlements" out there.

    Sorry, I'll go back to reading about Longhorn, err VISTA!.
