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Architects Journal no 5


I have just got my printed copy of the Architects journal number 5. I know it has been on the web for a while, its just that I don’t like reading articles on the monitor so I haven't got around to looking through it. The other advantage of print is that I can read it whilst waiting in the car for my License plates to be fitted etc.


Anyway firstly I really like the A4 (letter for our US colleagues) size, much more convenient for putting in my bag, reading in bed etc. Sorry Vin… never was too keen on the large format!


The other thing is that this issue is all about integration, my favorite,  with great articles by Richard and Philip on SOA governance, Anna and Ian on Integration technologies, Web services by Simon and Internet scale computing by Savas and Jim as well as others. I haven't had a chance to read them all yet but the first one will be Savas and Jims Internet scale computing one as it covers grid and contracts, one of my interest areas.


This is a nice segway to a paper I read a while ago about the difference between WS-* and OSGA's WSRA implementation co authored by Savas called

Web Services Grids: An Evolutionary Approach, well worth reading.


Finally Gurp's Editors note is fun reading, I am now off like a Jedi Knight to architect systems as vast as the Galaxy before tea!


  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2005
    I agree that JOURNAL is an excellent resource. My single complaint is that its to-web release is not immediately complemented by simultaneous PDF access. It's been awhile since aspects of 5 first went live, but still the latest PDF is only for 4 or older. Are there any plans to promote PDF downloads in a more timely manner? ...still waiting for my print copy request to be honored, too...

    -Craig (MAAB)
  • Anonymous
    August 31, 2005
    So I asked the guys working on the journal what was going on and this is their answer:

    Print copies are going out shortly.

    We are working towards a new model that will provide complete PDF and Print version at the same time to subscribers – articles will then be released one at a time over a period of multiple weeks for non-subscribers.
