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SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Site Creation Fails with Security Update 933854

A note to all those running SPS03 - if you use Site Directories for creating team sites, and you've noticed that the process stalls on the "Add Link to Site" page, then check to see if Security Update 933854 - a security update to .Net 1.1 -  was installed. This breaks the Site Directory Create Site functionality.

NOTE: This issue is fixed with WSS/SPS Service Pack 3. But SP3 introduces a new problem, the Rich Text Editor in the Content Editor Web Part is broken. To fix this, add the following Javascript function:

function RenderActiveX(str) { document.write(str); }...after the PortalPinToMyPage function in the ows.js file, and at the top of the RenderActiveX javascript in the edithtml.aspx page.

Note that the sites are still created, but the system doesn't transition from the Add Link page to the template page. If you navigate directly to your new site, you'll end up on the Select Template page, and once you select a Template, you'll be on the home page of your new site, but it will not be entered into the Site Directory.

I am told, that if you uninstall the 933854 patch, then your Site Directories will start working again, but when we tried this, there were about 7 other patches that were dependent on this one...

A temporary fix that we are testing that was posted on the Microsoft discussion forum by "Neal" involves the following modification to the Site Directory Site Definition:

1. Open the NewForm.aspx page in your Site Directory Site Defintion in notepad:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\[LCID]\SPSSITES\LISTS\SITESLST\NewForm.aspx

(Replace [LCID] with your locale identifier, 1033 for English)

2. Find this code fragment:

<SPSWC:InputFormButtonSection runat="server">
<SPSWC:InputFormButtonAtBottom ID="ButtonOk" runat="server"
<SPSWC:InputFormButtonAtBottom ID="ButtonCancel" runat="server"
TextLocId="Page_CancelButton_Text" visible="false" />

3. Replace it with this code fragment:

<SPSWC:InputFormButtonSection runat="server">
<!-- Workaround for WIN2003SP2 issue:
<input type="button" value="         OK         "
onclick="document.forms[0].submit()" />
<!-- <SPSWC:InputFormButtonAtBottom ID="ButtonOk" runat="server"
TextLocId="Page_OkButton_Text"/> -->
<!-- End workaround -->
<SPSWC:InputFormButtonAtBottom ID="ButtonCancel" runat="server"
TextLocId="Page_CancelButton_Text" visible="false" />


  • Anonymous
    October 03, 2007
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2007
    I'm faced with the same problem, and the workaround I had found for creating items in the Sites list was to ignore the add link page, using instead the "manage sites" link that allows edition of the items in spreadsheet view. Great post! Hugo

  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2007
    Hugo, GREAT SUGGESTION!  The Spreadsheet view worked for me.   Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2008
    This helped me as well! Many many thanks