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Delivering mobile IT your way - on the ward, Trust-wide and beyond. Seminar - 1st July, London.

Hi everyone, we thought we'd let you know about this helpful seminar taking place in London on the 1st July...

The pace of change in the mobile market combined with the high standards demanded by the staff on the frontline create a persistent challenge for the NHS. Building a manageable devices strategy that strikes the right balance between portability and security always features highly on our customers’ to-do list. 

Microsoft in partnership with Lenovo and SCC invite you to a seminar that demonstrates how we can deliver a solution to your challenges and support your aims.

Because we understand the importance of getting this right, this seminar is designed with both the IT and Clinical community in mind so that we can address the areas that are important to both.


10.00 Coffee and registration
10.30 An NHS framework for mobility solutions
11.00 Mobility and touch, the right device in the hands
11.30 One user experience across all devices
12.00 Questions and summary
12.15 Lunch and networking
13.00 Ends


Date 1 July 2013
Microsoft Customer Centre
100 Cardinal Place
Victoria Street

To register for the event click here.