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EHI excitement for OCSL

We have another of our great partners, OCSL, blogging for us today about their thoughts on the EHI Live event next week. We have more to come soon!

With just a short time until the doors open for another EHI conference, there is palpable excitement within the OCSL health team. We’re really looking forward to it, not least because we’re itching to show off our ground-breaking new acceSSOnce solution to a wider e-health audience. 

We at OCSL have been quietly building our name on mixing our first class technology expertise with the ability to really stand in our customers’ shoes and understand the issues they face. acceSSOnce was born from our experience in the health sector, of seeing the issues that clinicians and their IT departments were having and then using our Microsoft expertise to create a tailored clinical desktop solution. We’re now able to show in a very real way how we can improve the day to day workflow of a clinician by cutting down drastically on the time they spend interacting with PCs. As a Single Sign On solution it’s already generating a great deal of interest, but it’s what we’re able to add to it that’s really exciting. Visitors to the OCSL stand will be able to hear more about the innovative and exciting work we are doing with one of our customers with acceSSOnce, Windows 8 and desktop virtualisation.

And we’ll be in good company it seems at EHI. Looking at the line-up of exhibitors that the event has attracted, there’s an exciting mix of the large EPR providers, portal providers, clinical systems and infrastructure providers. This really reflects the current trends we at OCSL are seeing throughout the NHS with the trusts having to look at replacements for ageing systems, PACS systems outside the National Program and a general growing urgency to replace an ageing software infrastructure.

How the individual NHS organisations, trusts and hospitals manage the transition to these new technologies and how they are going to transform their desktop strategies with BYOD, remote working and the constant drive to search for savings provides a fascinating platform for both OCSL and our colleagues at Microsoft.

Blogged by OCSL’s Solutions Consultant, John Nicholas.