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EHI Live 2013 preview: Reimagining healthcare means reimagining how we work each day

First things first: Watch this video. Go on. It's not very long and it's guaranteed to resonate with anyone who has ever felt frustrated with the constraints of the modern workplace.

Whether you do your work in an office, a cubical or a hospital workstation, it’s a message whose time has come. Want to learn more about how the modern workplace is shifting? Want to find a better way to work? Want to know what role technology will play in all of this?

You’re in luck: Microsoft Chief Envisioning Officer Dave Coplin (the guy who narrated that video) will be at the Microsoft stand and will be speaking at EHI Live 2013 on Tuesday, 5 Nov.

Further information on healthcare solutions at EHI Live will be profiled in this blog or follow us on Twitter for more details.