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Could you do your job from a bus all day? This #BusWorker is going to try!

16:10 Mark has been an absolute sport all day and it's been a pleasure to chronicle his journey. If you want to see what it's like to be #BusWorker -- this video really says it all. Work isn't a place you go. It's a thing you do. And with the right tools on your side, being productive wherever you are is now easier than ever.

15:58 Mark takes a video call using Lync. Everybody wants a piece of the #BusWorker today. 

15:39 Mark has done a lot of great work today with Office 365. And because he's saving it all to the cloud with OneDrive, this #BusWorker will be able to get to his files easily tomorrow -- no matter where he decides to work.


15:10 One more great example of a first-class #BusWorker. Twitter is full of great ideas today!

15:05 Mark came back down to earth by sharing his #BusWorker ways with other passengers. They picked it up in a flash.

14:35 The point of the #BusWorker project is to prove you can be every bit as productive on a bus as you are in the office. That said, it's probably not a good idea to spend your entire working day on the bus. You know,from a mental health perspective. I think the pressure might be getting to Mark. What do you think?


14:21  Another great example of working brilliantly wherever you are. Can you be a #BusWorker from a car? I'm going to say yes!

14:10 Mark got bored during a call, so he made a little doodle with the Surface Pro 3's pen. It's pretty good, for a #BusWorker.

14:02 Mark shows off the perks of the #BusWorker lifestyle to some new friends. 

13:44 With the right tools, even a #BusWorker can handle a call and take notes at the same time.

13:22 Mark uses the Surface Pro 3's new pen to leave his #BusWorker calling card in OneNote.

13:05 Talk about #Lapability. That's a #BusWorker with lap space to spare!

12:48 We asked Driver Phil what he thought of the Surface Pro 3 and the #BusWorker project. Long story short: He's a massive fan.

12:13 Mark's going to spend part of the afternoon completing a series of #BusWorker challenges. First up: He'll be testing his on-the-go video shooting skills by recording himself singing "Wheels on the Bus." Can't wait.

12:09 Another shout out from a fellow #BusWorker. Here's a guy who knows how to use his commute wisely.

11:44 Here's a little bit of inside Microsoft trivia for you. Originally the whole idea for this campaign was for Mark to spend the day working on a train to and from London.But then one day someone walked by the meeting room where we were planning this and shouted "BUSWORKER!!!" at Mark. And it just felt right. You could see Mark's little face drop as he thought, "I must be the #BusWorker."

11:33 We wanted to take more photos of Mark getting stuff done on the bus. But he told us he was too busy to pose -- so we had to take sneaky pics for a distance. How rude. We may need a replacement #BusWorker if this keeps up.

11:12 Even IT Pros can work anywhere. Looks like Mark's building a website on the go using Microsoft Azure, cunning #BusWorker that he is.

10:49 Mark has been doing some serious searching during his time as a #BusWorker. Turns out the answers were inside him all along. 

10:28 Martin the driver wanted to come over and see what all the fuss was about. I suppose being a #BusWorker is old hat for him.

10:17 The bus emptied out at the last stop, so Mark took the opportunity to proclaim himself "King of the Bus" and assume his rightful place atop the highest seat. What a #BusWorker.

10:03 We're starting to discover other #Busworker advocates!  Do you get work done on the way to/from the office? Why not join the conversion on Twitter at @MicrosoftUK. Let's see some #Busworker pride!

9:39 The shiny-shininess that is the Surface Pro 3 is starting to draw a crowd. Has Mark found a #Busworker friend? 


9:30 Just because Mark is a total #Busworker -- that doesn't mean no one wants to talk to him. Luckily, he can have face-to-face meetings with ease using Lync. They could all be working on different buses, for all we know.

9:15 Desk? Who needs a desk? When you're a #Busworker, every free seat is your desk. 

8:45 -- Here's a look at some of the sweet, sweet gear Mark's going to be working with today: the Surface Pro 3 and the Nokia Lumia 930. You can't even get the Surface Pro 3 in UK stores until 28 August -- no idea where this #Busworker managed to find one.


7:00 Mark Deakin gets ready for a challenge of a lifetime -- or at very least a fortnight. Today, he is going to be a #BusWorker.

With sporadic tube strikes, pesky snow and late trains, many commuters are wasting more and more time on their way to work.

Even on a day without service disruptions, the average time spent commuting is 54.6 minutes -- an increase of 5 minutes since 2003. It’s taking just over 4.5 days a year getting to and from work. That’s madness.

'What can we do?' I hear you ask. In an era where the average office working spends 8% of their time looking at a mobile screen, would it really a stretch to make remote working the norm?

The Social Media team here at Microsoft UK wanted to find out just how productive a person can be during their commute. So we challenged Mark Deakin, a salesman, to spend all of August 14th  as a #BusWorker and do all his normal duties on the bus he normally takes to and from work.

Throughout the day, he will partake in his traditional working duties (with a few fun challenges chucked in) with some of the latest tech to show the power of working remotely and how to use all kinds of technology to get stuff done.

Feel free to join and follow it on Twitter or comment below. And if you’re a fellow #BusWorker, let us know.



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