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Using the Microsoft Platform to Drive Institutional Effectiveness

These are extremely challenging times for higher education institutions that are struggling with the balance between efficiency and cost cutting, and maintaining and improving their overall effectiveness. While $2.4 trillion is spent on education every year worldwide, effectiveness of spend can be as low as 7% according to the World Bank.

How do you assess your institution’s performance? How do you know you are successfully executing your mission and vision? Your strategic goals? Technology can track the data and help. Microsoft’s Platform for Institutional Effectiveness has been developed from an increasing understanding that greater effectiveness and efficiency is derived from a focus on bringing together people, processes, and information across the institution…not from the isolated use of individual technology products.

We have architected a unified platform approach integrating quantitative analytics, qualitative assessment and collaborative action to help institutions measure progress against their goals for administrative operations, academic outcomes and achievement, and the student and faculty experience. This approach is built on Microsoft technology most institutions already own…like SharePoint Server and SQL Server… and user interfaces that are common across the institution and applications from Microsoft partners. You can read more in our whitepaper here.

Nuventive, has an application called TracDat which drives the development of strategic plans and tracks progress against the plan. Nuventive has recently struck up a partnership with Mariner to bring this type of solution to K-12 schools. Both partners won awards at our Worldwide Partner Conference this year.

Earlier at one of our education partner summits, I spoke with David Raney, CEO, Nuventive, about trends in data optimization for institutions and how data can make campuses better. You can watch our discussion below.
