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BUILD Windows 8

I'm down in LA (OK, Anaheim actually...) for the BUILD Windows 8 conference - what was previously known as the "Professional Developers' Conference" (PDC) - not sure if the fact that it's changed names means that they want a broader appeal beyond just professional developers, but we'll see.  At $1600-$2400 to attend (plus travel) I doubt too many hobbyists are coming.

I'll be posting here my impressions from the keynotes and from the sessions I attend.  There is a rumor that a new tablet with Win8 is going to be distributed to attendees - we'll see.  Microsoft gave an Acer tablet to all attendees at the last PDC I attended in 2009.  Looking forward to getting my hands on a beta of Win8 and especially comparing it to my current favorite tech device, the iPad2 I bought in June.  There are some promising indicators - a friend sent me a link to this video showing an absolutely amazing bootup time for Win8.  We'll see...