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New Version of the Microsoft ESB Guidance Released

Check out the new version of the Microsoft ESB Guidance. The overview page ( will provide you with all the necessary high-level information such as download links, architecture overviews, future plans and requirements.

The Microsoft ESB Guidance now extends the functionality of the recently released BizTalk Server 2006 R2. The guidance provides a range of new capabilities focused on building robust, connected, service-oriented applications. The following are some of the core capabilities that the ESB Guidance provides:

  • Policy driven mediation:
    • Itinerary-based service invocation that supports lightweight service composition at the time of message publication. The Itinerary mechanism dynamically resolves service endpoints and mediation requirements, and routes messages using any resolver that ships with the Guidance. This approach allows developers to implement loosely coupled patterns such as VETO/VETRO.
    • Provides dynamic resolution of endpoints and maps using the Microsoft ESB Guidance Resolver and Adapter Provider Framework. This supports dynamic resolution of endpoints and transformation requirements, as well as providing custom configuration to services, effectively decoupling the consumer from the services.
    • Exception Management Framework for unified exception handling, mediation and reporting.
  • Connecting systems:
    • Performs namespace normalization of messages.
    • Provides IBM JMS/WMQ connectivity.
    • Supports messaging patterns that enable dynamic service aggregation, message routing, message validation, and message transformation.
    • Incorporates service registry and repository integration using UDDI and WS-MetadataExchange.
  • Management and monitoring:
    • Homepage_24bitIncludes the ESB Management Portal that provides:
      • Exception mediation and fault management.
      • Message repair and resubmission.
      • Exception notification and alert engine enabling user/group subscriptions.
      • BizTalk endpoint and registry integration, management, and publication.  Support auto publication from the BizTalk Administration Console
      • Reporting and analytics for exceptions, alerts, subscriptions and registrations.
      • Basic auditing on message saves, edits and resubmits
  • SOA governance:
    • Provides integrated SOA governance solutions developed by AmberPoint and SOA Software.


