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Sydney - Day Two

imageToday we started bright and early, 7am Australian time. I had the opportunity to meet some the players here in the Aussie market.

We went through Microsoft's position on industry standards, namely ACORD.


Then I went into the international insurance trends that many insurance companies are focusing on today. Many of these trends are a result of regulatory compliance like issues. Once we talked about the challenges in the industry we chatted about what are the Microsoft based solutions to help with these very specific challenges.

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I received some great questions during the session such as:

  1. How mature is ACORD XML? The ACORD standard has released several versions of their XML schema. Right now the standard is going through a slight flux in their scehmas.
  2. What is the ACORD roadmap? ACORD just released version two of their standard and the next release which will be several minor revisions over a period of about five years will take the standard to a unified standards with a common ontology behind the standard.
  3. BizTalk Performance and Scalability?
  4. Does Microsoft have advice on governance of Service Orientated Architectures. What is the governance strategy for composite applications and their associated workflows? The larger part of this question is governance. Governance is a tricky function. It greatly depends on the organizational culture and maturity. It is difficult for Microsoft to address this prescriptively. However there are best practices industry wide that can be adopted.
  5. What's new in BizTalk R2? Here is a link to the roadmap of BizTalk R2 and beyond.
