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DirectShow in the Windows SDK for Vista

The Windows SDK for Vista fixes some of the issues with the DirectShow samples that I've posted about previously. In particular, the samples were updated for Visual Studio 2005, and now include Visual Studio project files instead of makefiles.

You can download the SDK here:

The latest DirectShow documentation is posted here:

Release notes are posted here:

 Some additional release notes:

- Although DirectShow supports x64, the DirectShow SDK samples do not have x64 build configurations.

- The Async Filter sample is missing the .def file directive. To fix this, go to project settings, Linker / Input / Module Definition File, and add "Filter\asyncflt.def". Also, in the .def file change the LIBRARY statement to "Async.DLL"

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


  • Anonymous
    February 13, 2007
    I'm having trouble building them with windows sdk for vista and visual studio 2005 did the usual stuff under options added executables lncludes libs fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'intsafe.h': No such file or directory

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2007
    I'm having problems making the Grabber filter to work under Vista (lots of compile errors and problems with grabber.h, most having to do with missing type specifier, but also missing identifiers etc.) using Visual Studio 2005.   Has anyone tried compiling "Grabber" (not the "Sample Grabber") sucessfully? Any suggestions as to how to fix this (worked O.K. under Platform SDk for XP)