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We’re Moving To The Windows Azure Team Blog

We are continually looking for ways to make it easier for you to stay on top of the latest product releases, resources, tools and news around Windows Azure.  Today, we’re happy to announce another step in that direction with the consolidation of this team blog into the Windows Azure Team Blog. The Windows Azure team blog covers a wide variety of topics, from the latest news and announcements, to technical and “how-to” posts, as well as conversations with customers, partners and Windows Azure experts. 

Starting today, the Windows Azure team blog is where you’ll be able to find the latest technical information about topics such as Service Bus, Access Control, Caching, Windows Azure-related workflow, as well as development, deployment, and management.  (Generic workflow posts will continue to be posted to the Workflow team blog).

We hope these changes will make your life a little easier by making this blog your single destination for all the latest news and information about Windows Azure.  Be sure to let us know what you think about these changes, as well as what kinds of information you’re like us to focus on by posting a comment to this post.