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InstaSurvey 7001 - New Downloads UI - Survey Results

Thank you all for providing your feedback on the new UI mock-ups. Here are the final results as tabulated by our accounting firm Dewey, Countem and Howe:


The quick summary is as follows:

· Dislike: 16%

· Like: 84%

Summarized verbatim dislikes:

· Fonts are too large/Too much wasted space

· It doesn’t show me how many activations are left

· I really liked the way the keys were displayed on the old site in just a simple list. (CDeluca responds: This is already done on the product keys page)

· The tree on the left hides as you navigate (CDeluca responds: It doesn’t have to – only when you choose to filter it)

· There's nothing about the "new" interface that makes things easier to find or download

· To download something it is perfect to explore the repository this is a nightmare. It is now very difficult to find downloads

· It doesn't seem to have the 'Select All' option to allow downloading the entire product family in one go - we currently have that.

· I’m not a fan of the Red/Maroon theme, but I’d imagine that that is a branding decision. So this probably can’t be changed.

Summarized verbatim likes:

· Simple, clear layout – looks smart. It would appear to be much easier to navigate than the current ‘new’ UI.

· It shows me the details, but leaves the filtering and tree view visible.

· I just found it “easier to follow”.

· It’s look more exciting, and I think it will be more convenient for me.

· Better than the heap of croc that was introduced recently !!!! :)

· My mouse does not fall into the void between from what I can see.

· Better usability

· I hate to say this, as I don’t want to criticize the work that was done… but I like the new one because I hate the current one.

· With the current interface, browsing/exploring is kind of painful. You have to be a mouse ninja…

· Looks functional and could allow the ability to navigate multiple products easily and efficiently

· Much cleaner than the current mess... very logical. FYI – HATE the current one.

· It seems to have a nice flow. And the first page is quite a bit like what we’re already used to, so it isn’t too much change at once which would drive us away kicking and screaming never wanting to come back.

· No more silly fly-outs that fly back when the mouse leaves the menu and having to hover the mouse to wait for the menu to scroll.

· Addresses all the complaints I had with the recently released version. (The main Microsoft Downloads site could benefit from this new design you're proposing as well.)

· It's definitely easier to get to specific areas of interest, and as you say, looks less twitchy.


Thanks again for taking the time to provide your feedback. I'll keep you posted as to the availability of the new UI.


Chris Deluca, Dev Lead for the Subscriptions Benefit Portal.
