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Design First, Engineer Second.

A lot of the time folks write off Apple customers as simply being MacTards, fans that are so pre-occupied with Apple and less about the products they make. In part that can be true, I’ve meet some extreme ignorant fans, but in general that’s not true at all.


I’ve meet a lot of fans of Apple who can’t stand the company, but embrace the products they design. I’ve asked many creative souls who in Apple they worship the most, Steve Jobs isn’t on the list as much as Jonathan Ive is.  It’s interesting to note this, as competition isn’t important as much as why folks CHOOSE to compete. I’m a fan of Jonathan’s work, as what i’ve read about him is that he seems preoccupied with design first, competition / politics last – seems healthy in a positive way?

Industrial Design is fast becoming the differentiator in today’s technology markets; it’s not just about the magic of software it’s also about how the software experience is presented outside the binary owned domain. Everything from the packaging through to the device it’s housed in all play a collective role. Short change one component to this formula, the rest can suffer.

first generation iPod A second generation iPod (2002)third generation iPodfirst generation iPod Touchsecond generation iPod Touch

It’s not easy either, if you look at the first generation of iPods compared to today’s iPhone, there is a radical change in not just ergonomics but visual design inside the software. Evolution is something that you have to fight your way through when it comes to products, it’s not about V1 or V2, but often V3 can be your sweet spot. I like to call this the “Goldie Locks” effect in that as a child I was told the story of “Goldie Locks & the Three Bears”. Basically by her 3rd attempt at eating the porridge, it was “just right”. Its amazing how often this formula seems to happen not just in Microsoft but all brands really.


I look at the Zune from where it’s come to where it’s heading and I’m at peace with it. I feel our Zune team get design, the shame here is it’s not available outside the U.S (something I hope will change).

I look at the XBOX Team and Project NATAL and it again, I’m at peace with it all as they are looking to focus on the experience and less on the technology per say – games are funny incubation of innovation at times.


I look at the next version of Office and am amazed at how clean it’s fast becoming.  Same with Windows 7.

The point is this; we have become used to judging “new” from how it looks not so much how it acts. If we see a new product come out that’s based off the old, it’s main focus is on how it looks and less what it does new – that comes later and is of equal importance.

We do judge a book by its cover, and as such we really need to tackle the design first and focus on engineering second. If you target where you want to head and then focus on how you get there, at least your goal is more weighted towards innovation and less on limitation.

I think Apple has taught Microsoft a valuable lesson in the past 3 years; it’s a healthy amount of competition as well. Adobe is also teaching Microsoft valuable lessons as well.


We are a company that has had a lot of engineering culture ingrained into our DNA – yet in the past 3-4 years I’ve seen the design discussion change from being this quiet blip on the radar to being a more focal point in discussion.

I’m not a fan of the the new Bing logo, it just irritates me at how the proportion is off, yet I’ve seen a healthy debate internally on the subject that has made me extremely proud of how Microsoft is changing its approach to design. I’m not happy with the outcome, but will happily accept this given the result was we approached a conversation differently to what I would of ever thought years ago. In the end I concede that Bing will be measured by how well it helps folks search not so much on what the brand looks like.

Engineering only gives you so much of a head start, as it can usually be matched, design however is something that if you copy becomes obvious as well the initial moment had already passed.

Design can interrupt you in a positive way. Its downside is that it’s not open to “rinse & repeat” formulas.

It’s better outlined here:


  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2009
    There's a key difference here in the term design though. Industrial Design is more than just "making it look nice" - they are actually (or should be) going to the effort of making sure that whatever they've designed can actually be built. That includes consulting with engineering/architectural folks to figure out what the limitations are. So, it shouldn't quite be "Design first, Engineer second" as "Design and Engineer at the same time".

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2009
    Not entirely true. Industrial Designer understand the mechanics of engineering (knowing limitations is key) but it always usually starts with a sketch, prototype, idea etc. The point in my post is that work towards a design and make it your main focal point. Don't engineer first and then think about how it should look afterwards. Bottom up design is a form of product retardation.

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2009
    Great post. Nice to know that MS is taking design seriously.

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
    I knew there was something different about Microsoft lately. Design.  About time!   The ironic part about following design with engineering is that most engineers I know actually welcome the challenge ot making a beautiful drawing into a working product.  MS should have been doing this all along.   4D

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
    My comments regarding your lousy design and your refusal to post it will be why you fail.

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
    Scott, Sorry for being grumpy. I am so tired of this endless argument regarding Mac v. PC. Regarding the Zune HD, It just doesn't look well made. It looks as though someone tried to take the first version of the iPhone and make it look "hip". I just wish that the folks from Redmond would stop copying what is done in Cupertino. Do something different. I actually like the "look" of Bing but the results from searches are just not comparable to Google. From my point of view it looks like someone is filtering the results. If I can't trust the results, why would I use it? As you can gather I am a Mac and iPhone user because I can accomplish my work with a minimum of hassle and interruption from the machines that I have to use. That is the essence of the combination of engineering and design. Engineers are relentless geeks but the people that use the stuff that they create are not. Unfortunately, I think Microsoft has forgotten this, much to your long term misfortune. Pick up an iPhone 3G S and discover what I mean. I bought a first generation IPhone and it changed the way I live. Sorry for the rant. Dale

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
    Scott, Thank you for your response. Frankly it is painful as to how far Microsoft is behind in the mobile area. The ability for developers to access the connector on the iPhone is going to open an avalanche of products and apps for the iPhone. I don't think anyone (either in Redmond or Cupertino ) understood the impact of the App store. I know at least ten people with IPhones or Touches and we are constantly talking about apps that we use on the device. No one is talking about "neat" apps on Win mo. I  know that it sounds trite but people want to fall in love with their devices. I actually go back to work when I forget my iPhone. I just wish that with all of your resources that Microsoft would feel the same.

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2009
    I had an iphone and it was the one of the most boring experiences I've ever had. Im no fan of macs either. I love the fact that i didnt have to go to a 4 year program to upgrade my pc. I love the feeling of having something and it feeling like its mine. Not a fan of winmo at all. But i just purchased an n97 and all i can say is im amazed. I hate being locked into a service.

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2009
    Not just engineering is important but also design? Well, Duhh. Why is Microsoft only now waking up to this basic, simple fact? Rather than applauding Microsoft for finally embracing this idea, you should all be condemning it for taking so long for recognizing something that has been so  obvious to others. Also, concerning Apple's evolution of the iPod, yes they have been willing and able to make significant design changes. But also note how much things have stayed the same. They pretty much nailed the basic design correctly with their first iPods. The familiar click-wheel and navigation screen design is still used on their iPod Classic. I think that that says a lot about how good their design team is that they can come up with excellent v. 1.0 designs.

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2009
    Scott. I actually admire your willingness to admit that Microsoft has not been focused on design. Although I am an admitted Apple fanboy, I would be delighted to see someone from inside Apple become as open as you are. I really think in the parlance of a New Englander that you are "pushing a rope" at your company. You have talked about your company and the fact that it is populated by people with experience out side of Microsoft, unfortunately your leadership is not. Unless your company solves the issue of "pocket computing" you are dead. I just don't think that the senior management of your company has that vision. Sorry, Dale