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AutoGrid Systems to Enable Utility and Energy Service Providers to Develop Smart Grid Analytics Applications on Microsoft Azure


Several years ago when we painted our vision of the emerging smart energy ecosystem and the integrated utility of the future, we knew that smart grid analytics and demand response where key enablers of our vision.  image This is why we are very excited to announce our global collaboration with AutoGrid Systems at DistribuTech in San Diego last week.

In case you are not familiar with AutoGrid, they are a leader in big data analytics for the electricity and energy industry with their energy data platform (EDP) and associated suite of analytics applications including demand response, forecasting, customer engagement, software defined power plants, revenue assurance and predictive asset maintenance. Our collaboration with AutoGrid will make it easy for utilities and energy service providers to develop and operationalize big data and smart grid analytics solutions such as demand response applications on our cloud platform, Azure.

These solutions are important tools for managing the smart energy ecosystem as they can help utilities forestall substantial long-term investments in new or replacement peak generation facilities, transmission lines as well as help manage the problem of excess capacity caused by renewable energy sources.

We are delighted to be working with AutoGrid to deliver these innovative solutions to our customers as a service on Azure. May the Cloud be with You! – Jon C. Arnold

