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British Gas goes Social with Yammer

The ways in which people connect and the speed with which they communicate is faster than ever before. Social communication is nothing new on the personal level, with the sharing of news, images and status updates. It’s how people keep up with each other’s lives. On the enterprise level, businesses have to be agile to keep up with the competition and exceed their customers’ expectations. Since communicating and sharing information with people is fundamental to the success of any business, many enterprises are taking measures to employ tools that can provide that extra edge. To our delight, many are getting the extra edge with Yammer, our private enterprise social networking service.yammer

A great example of this in action comes from our customer British Gas. Take a look at this story that recently appeared in concerning how British Gas breaks down silos with Yammer and is adding value to the company’s operations. It’s a great story and one that really demonstrates how enterprise social networking is becoming the cornerstone of workplace collaboration. - Jon C. Arnold