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FYI: Exchange 2007 SP2 Announced…

The Exchange team announced the upcoming service pack for Exchange 2007 recently.  The primary focus of this service pack is preparing Exchange 2007 for interoperability with Exchange 2010 but there are also fixes and changes to existing components and technologies that make this update worth installing when it comes out.  Here are some developer related points of interest that were announced:

Exchange Volume Snapshot Backup Functionality - A new backup plug-in has been added to the product that will enable customers to create Exchange backups when a backup is invoked through the Windows Server 2008 Backup tool. Exchange Server 2007 didn't have this capability on Windows Server 2008 and additional solutions were required to perform this task.

Named Properties cmdlets - SP2 enables Exchange administrators to monitor their named property usage per database.”

…Both of these are most useful to developers as debugging tools but they are valuable nonetheless.
