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Tracing Rules Execution

So, we've got some examples of using the WF Rules Engine outside the confines of a workflow (see here, and here).  One feature you get inside of a workflow is that the rules engine will utilize the tracking service, if one has been provided, to log out information regarding rule execution.  Moustafa shows how you can use System.Diagnostics tracing in order to have the same effect when using the rules outside a workflow. 

Take a look at this sample, especially if you are interested in incorporating the WF Rules Engine in a non-workflow application.  This would be something nice to attach a config flag or other setting to in order to enable rule tracing, which may be helpful if you are trying to debug a complex rules scenario.

I'm working on putting some other rules samples together, if there are specific scenarios you are interested in, drop me a line and I'll see what we can do!