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South African BizTalk User Group Website Finally Up!

After much promise, and many requests, the web site for the South African BizTalk User Group has now been launched.  Please pay us a visit at

Thanks to Ryan Crawcour for taking the initiative on this, and thanks to all those who offered help and services. 

What we need now, though, is YOU!  The content at the site is still parse, so come and register at the site and help contribute to the user group by participating in the forums, reading blogs, writing blogs (simply register and mail Ryan or myself if you want a blog setup on the site), and uploading any media you may want to make public (such as patterns you have found useful, tips and tricks, etc).

If you have any suggestions / comments, please feel free to send them to Ryan or myself (you will need to register first) and we will do our best to act on them.

Hope to see you soon in the forums!


  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2008
    After much promise, and many requests, the web site for the South African BizTalk User Group has now

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2010
    Since it appears that the UG's web site is now defunct, is there any chance the content was kept by anyone and could be made available elsewhere?

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2010
    Hi Jonathan, I unfortunately don't have a backup of the content, but I will review my blog postings where I reference files on the user grup web site, and I will then recreate those projects, and update each post with a valid link.  Apologies for the inconvenience.