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Come see Tim Heuer present Silverlight 3 and .NET RIA Services Wednesday night in Wellington.

Following last week in Auckland the team is down in Wellington. On Wednesday night Tim Heuer is presenting at the Wellington .NET User Group if you live in Wellington I hope to see you there.

Silverlight 3 and .NET RIA Services with Tim Heuer, Silverlight PM
Wellington 22/4/2009
Gather at 5:55pm, starting at 6:00pm

Presented by Tim Heuer
Tim Heuer, Program Manager for Silverlight at Microsoft is visiting Wellington, and will be presenting at our user group! His presentation will be a tour of the upcoming Silverlight 3, and .NET RIA Services. Click Here to Register

Catering: Pizza and drinks provided
Door Charge: 


Level 1, 98 Customhouse Quay
(Above Workshop, at the back of the Old Bank Arcade)

 More details on the NZ DOT NET USER Group site.
