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Deep Zoom Photographs

Back in May I delivered a session titled “MIX08: A Developers Perspective” where I first showed the programmability of Deep Zoom in Silverlight 2. Off the back of those sessions I have seen a few large scale developments take place in NZ using Silverlight 2 and Deep Zoom. None of them have come to market just yet but I’m very much looking forward to when they do.

Following the community blogs I’ve also seen that Robert Fonseca-Ensor from Datacom in Auckland has got right down to the nitty gritty inside of Deep Zoom Composer.

Anyone that has been following me for a while will know that I’m a keen photographer and I mentioned back in May that it would be cool to take Wilfred Pinto’s work and create a simple colour picker in blend to filter some of my photographs with.

Well I finally got a chance to updgrade it to Silverlight 2 RTW and deploy it to Silverlight streaming late last week. Enjoy!

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