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MIX10 Windows Phone 7 Content Overview

The tools available at MIX 10 and for public download are a Community Technology Preview, while not feature complete, the tools release at MIX 10 ships with a robust set of functionality.

The white papers provide guidance on architecture, development, as well as design. In addition there are code samples and hands-on-labs that cover key topics such as Silverlight, the application bar, splash screen, navigation model, and XNA Game Studio.

Training available now:

The following sections provide the information you need to build Windows Phone applications:

The Windows Phone MIX Sessions

Below is a listing of all the MIX10 session videos arranged into the three categories below:

  • Windows Phone – General Design and Development
  • Windows Phone and Silverlight
  • Windows Phone and XNA

There are more than 18 hours worth of session video on Windows Phone covering the platform, the marketplace, Silverlight, and XNA Game Studio.

Windows Phone - General Design and Development




Recommended Audience

KEY01: Day 1 Keynote The Day 1 keynote started with Silverlight and finished with the first complete announcement Windows Phone and its development environment, as well as where you can download  the tools to get started immediately.



Manager, Architect, Designer, Developer

CL01: Changing Our Game – An Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Series Joe Belfiore, Corporate VP Windows Phone

Major changes are coming to Windows Phone! This session goes in-depth on the design and features of Windows Phone and gives a comprehensive picture of what’s coming in this exciting new release.



Manager, Architect, Designer, Developer

CL13: The Windows Phone Application Platform This session is delivered by Charlie Kindel, PGPMWPAPDE (Partner Group Program Manager for the Windows Phone Application Platform and Developer Experience) provides a “100-level” overview of what’s available for developers who want to build Windows Phone apps.



Manager, Architect, Developer

CL14: Designing Windows Phone 7 Series Albert Shum, Mobile Design Partner, lead design of Windows Phone 7

Michael Smuga, Studio Director

Chad Roberts, UX Design Lead

Windows Phone constitutes a dramatic new user experience paradigm. This session will provide prescriptive guidance, tips, and techniques on how designers & developers can build beautiful, compelling user experiences that are consistent with the built-in Windows Phone 7 Series experiences.



Manager, Architect, Designer, Developer

CL18: Windows Phone 7 Series Architecture Deep Dive Istvan Cseri, Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft

Windows Phone 7 Series represents a significant change from the past. The entire stack, starting with the operating system, user experience, and the application platform have been engineered to build a new class of phone that users will just love. This session will go under the covers and describe how to think about applications and games from the perspective of user experience, security, packaging, cloud services and performance. Details on the new application model, device capabilities, location, sensors, and other platform capabilities will be covered.



Technical Manager, Architect, Developer

CL20: Making Money with Windows Phone Applications and Games Todd Biggs, Director of Program Management

John Bruno, Lead Program Manager

Windows Phone Marketplace will revolutionize distribution of Windows Phone applications, games, and content, and is designed to solve the two largest problems of the Windows Phone consumer-focused developer community: distribution and monetization. This session will provide application developers with the insights, tools, and processes necessary to begin distributing and monetizing their applications on the Windows Phone platform.



Business and Technical Manager

CL23: Designing and Developing for the Rich Mobile Web Joe Marini, Principal Program Manager for Windows Phone

The Mobile Web has been a long time in coming, and now that it’s here, it’s a force that you and your business can’t afford to ignore. What has made all of this possible is the combination of ever-more-powerful devices, fast network connections, and highly capable mobile browsers. In this session, you will learn how to build sites that work well and look great on Windows Phone and across mobile devices. We’ll cover the core mobile Web scenarios, preparing content for mobile, and tips and techniques for debugging and testing your sites.



Web Team Manager, Web Architect, Web Developer

Windows Phone and Silverlight




CL02: Blend 4 for Windows Phone 7 Series, Silverlight 4 and WPF 4 Christian Schormann and Pete Blois of the Expression Blend team

Explore how Expression Blend lets you design and build rich, vibrant Windows Phone, Silverlight 4 and WPF 4 applications. Take advantage of a host of new platform and tools capabilities to produce better user experiences, with less code.



Technical Manager, Developer, Designer

CL15: An Introduction to Developing Applications for Microsoft Silverlight Shawn Oster, Silverlight Program Manager

New to Silverlight? This is the session for you. This session will cover: how to get started building your first application, tooling, extensibility and deployment. We’ll also highlight the capabilities of Microsoft Silverlight on the PC, as well as support for Windows Phone.



Technical Manager, Architect, Developer, Designer

CL16: Building Windows Phone Applications with Silverlight, Part 1 Mike Harsh, Program Manager for Silverlight

Together with part 2, these sessions give an overview of the functionality for Silverlight applications that is unique to the Windows Phone application platform. Part 1 will cover new input paradigms including multi-touch, software keyboard, accelerometer and microphone, as well as the APIs to leverage phone applications like email, phone dialer, contact list and more.



Technical Manager, Architect, Developer

CL17: Building Windows Phone Applications with Silverlight, Part 2 Pete Torr, Program Manager for Windows Phone

Together with part 1, these sessions give an overview of the functionality for Silverlight applications that is unique to the Windows Phone application platform. Part 2 will cover the new application model, updated control templates, themes, and services available to applications, including new Windows Phone web services.



Technical Manager, Architect, Developer

CL59: Unit Testing Silverlight and Windows Phone Applications Jeff Wilcox, Senior Software Development Engineer

Learn how to create and maintain Silverlight and Windows Phone Series applications using the Silverlight Unit Test Framework. See what tools are available to easily validate controls and application interfaces and gain a solid understanding of test principles to deliver great experiences for your clients and customers.



Technical Manager, Architect, Developer

CL60: Silverlight Performance on Windows Phone Seema Ramchandani, Program Manager - Silverlight Performance and Graphics for Windows Phone 7 Series

Learn how to optimize your Silverlight code for Windows Phone. This session will discuss common bottlenecks using the graphics and managed stacks, and will highlight how to optimize startup and reaction time.



Architect, Developer

Windows Phone and XNA Game Studio




CL19: Development and Debugging Tools for Windows Phone 7 Series Cullen Waters of the Advanced Technology Group, who works on the Xbox 360.

This session covers tools available to the developer for building XNA games including debugging, emulation, and performance. Special emphasis is placed on best practices for managed code performance and .NET profiling tools you can use to optimize your games for windows phone.



Game Developer

CL21: Developing Games for Windows Phone 7 with XNA Game Studio 4.0 Michael Klucher, Lead Program Manager

With the release of Windows Phone, game developers will be able to create amazing content rapidly through the power of Silverlight and the XNA framework. This talk will outline the basic application model of Windows Phone, enumerate Windows Phone core device characteristics, and walk through highlights of Silverlight and XNA Frameworks on the phone.



Game Developer

CL22: High Performance 3D Games on Windows Phone 7 Series Shawn Hargreaves , Software Development Engineer, XNA Team

This session will detail how to use XNA to develop 3D games for Windows Phone, with a special eye towards the special characteristics of Windows Phone application platform. Special attention will be placed on optimizing high-performance managed code games for the platform, to help you squeeze out every last drop of performance.



Game Developer

Windows Phone 7 Series Tools

Here are links to the tools to architect, design, and develop Windows Phone applications using Visual Studio and Expression Blend. Note that they are listed in recommended installation order.

1. Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Release Candidate (Needed ONLY if you want create applications using the professional tools)

2. Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 (Recommend installing this if you install VS 2010 Ultimate RC)

3. Expression Blend 4 Beta (Needed in order try Expression Blend with Windows Phone)

4. Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone CTP (be sure to read the release notes )

5. Microsoft Expression Blend Add-in Preview for Windows Phone

6. Microsoft Expression Blend Software Development Kit Preview for Windows Phone

Items 3 – 6 are the minimum I would recommend installing. The Windows Phone Emulator has specific graphics hardware requirements that can be found in the release notesfor item 4. It is also not supported to run the tools within a virtual environment.


  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2010
    Nigel, your link posts are the most convenient MIX resources on the web. Keep it up!
  • Rob